Local & overseas missions
Bible Studies
Women’s Bible Study
Local and Overseas Missions
As followers of Christ, it is our passion to see people enter the Kingdom of Heaven through the grace of our Lord. Gospel growth begins at home with our families and our neighbors and continues to the farthest places of the earth.
Local Opportunities to Serve
We believe that every Christian is called to use their gifts to build up the Kingdom. We invite you to join us in service to one another and our community through deeds of love and mercy for the glory of God. Speak with us about how to get involved in current service opportunities. Church on Randall Place serves local communities and local organizations, ministering to the population at large,
Overseas Mission Partners
We are committed to taking the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world and would love to take you with us! If God has placed on your heart to go into all the world with the Gospel, we would be excited to have you join our next mission trip.
Over the years, Pastor John has led several missionary trips for the Church on Randall Place teams to various places, including, Ecuador, Africa, the Virgin Islands,
Mid-Week Bible Studies
Church on Randall Place has multiple opportunities to study God’s Word outside of our regularly scheduled Sunday morning worship.
*Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study at 9:00 am @ Church on Randall Place, downstairs in the fellowship hall. Teacher: Simone Lake
*Adult Coed Wednesday Evening Bible Study at 6:30 pm @ Church on Randall Place, downstairs in the fellowship hall. Teacher: Pastor Dr. John Lake
*Additional: a variety of small groups and discipleship groups are offered every semester. Contact 1-928-970-4249 for more info.
Women’s Ministry Leader: Simone Lake 1-928-595-0837
*Expository Bible Studies: Books of the Bible are read and studied together in a group. Different books of the Bible / Classes are offered every semester. Teacher: Simone Lake
*Discipleship: Weekly and /or Monthly One-on-One meetings with Simone. Minimum of 6 week commitment. Discipleship time includes: studying a book of the Bible ~ Studying a Scripture topic in the Bible (aka, forgiveness, marriage, prayer, etc.) ~ scripture-based prayer, and encouragement in God’s word.
*Connecting: Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly One-on-One and small group connections/events/activities. Connection time includes: checking in on your daily walk with the Lord ~ meal or coffee/tea ~ fun activities (hiking, crafts for missions, etc.) scripture-based prayer, and encouragement in God’s word.
*Evangelism and Outreach: ministry to women in the local communities, supporting women missionaries, sending encouraging greeting cards to women in prison, outreach to widows & children and more…
*Biblical Counseling of Arizona: If you are struggling in a specific area/ situation/problem / or need, PLEASE get some help There are over 12 counselors available to help. ” BCA counselors will demonstrate God’s gracious pursuit of you… we do this in relationship, by listening and walking alongside you in your struggle, with encouragement and understanding. BCA assists our churches and communities, to experience personal revival. You are not meant to walk alone.” BCA Counselors and Team: http://www.biblicalcounselingaz.org/team
Online form to register for BCA counseling: Register for Biblical Counseling
*The Eunice Initiative: a strategic program aimed at teaching women to teach for generational impact based on the scripture…II Timothy 1:5 “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.” *Register for Eunice Initiative:https://arizona.thegospelcoalition.org/eunice (scroll to the bottom of the page)
*Simeon Trust for Women: “…training the next generation of Bible expositors.” Workshops for women. Register for Workshop: https://simeontrust.org/workshops/?_workshop_category=womens-workshops
Simone Lake
Simone Lake is a Christ follower, the bride of Pastor Dr. John Lake, expository Bible teacher, and a passionate
Women’s Ministry:
*Expository Bible Classes – studying the Bible
*Biblical Counseling
Contact Info.:
Simone Lake 1-928-595-0837
DETAILS of Women’s Ministries
Women’s Bible Studies:
CORP offers multiple mid-week Bible studies taught by several trained women teachers who are CORP members and who have successfully completed a Discipleship, Teaching Training program affirmed by CORP, led and taught under Simone’s leadership. Contact her at 1-928-595-0837 to be matched with a trained leader for one on one discipleship mentor ship.
Our mission statement at CORP is “Disciples Making Disciples” based out of Matthew 28: 18-20. If you are desiring to grow in your relationship with Jesus, and want to learn the Biblical model of reproductive discipleship, The first step is to contact Simone and she will connect you with another sister in Christ who has successfully completed the training as a discipleship leader. We will connect you with a discipleship partner. Contact 1-928-595-0837 to be matched with a trained leader for one on one discipleship mentor ship program.
Service Opportunities: There are many service opportunities in our church body as well as in the surrounding community. *Praying for the sick, *encouragement, *ministry to the widows (James 1:27), *loving children with no parents (James 1:27), *making meals, *visiting the lonely, *greeting cards and letters to those in prison and jail (Hebrews 13:3) and much more… these are some of the many opportunities available to serve the body of Christ at Church on Randall Place.
Contact Simone with any questions you may have about getting involved in Women’s Discipleship and Ministries.
Simone Lake contact info: simonelake3@gmail.com – 1-928-595-0837
Online Giving
If you wish to give your tithes and offerings online, click the button below.
6338 Randall Place
Pine, AZ 85544
P.O. Box 1032
Pine, AZ 85544
Sunday Morning Schedule
*8:00am-8:45 am - Morning CORPorate Prayer (upstairs in the sanctuary)
*8:45am to 9:45am - Adult Bible Enrichment (downstairs in fellowship hall)
*10:00 am - Sunday Worship Service (in sanctuary)